Strains & Sprains

A joint strains and sprains are used to describe the overstretching or tearing of soft tissues in and around the joints. However there is a key difference which helps in differentiating these two.
As one of the Top pain clinic in Kerala we at Moveaze try to bring evidenced based approach to our treatment. Even though in most cases, the general management is same in both strains and sprains, in physiotherapy treatment, there is some different for both strains and sprains. For muscle strains, our treatment includes, Pain relief modalities like Ultrasound, TENS, Cryotherapy, MFR, Trigger point release, Stretching, Strengthening, Muscle conditioning, Kinesio taping, Return to sports activities
And for ligament sprains, the treatments are Pain relief modalities, Cryotherapy, Joint mobilizations, stretching, Strengthening and Return to sports activities.

Post-Operative Rehab

  1. ACL reconstruction Meniscal Tears Rotator Cuff Repair 

Acute and Chronic Musculoskeletal Injuries.

Conditions we deal with :

  • Stroke

  • Head injury/traumatic brain injury.

  • Ataxia.

  • Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Parkinsonism.

  • Multiple sclerosis

  • Spinalcord injury.

  • Muscular dystrophy.

  • Radiculopathic pain.

  • Bell’s and facial palsy.

  • Guillian barrie syndrome

  • Neuropathies.

  • Brain tumor

  • Compression neuropathies.