Achilles Pain

Achilles tendon is the strongest and thickest tendon in the body. It helps to provide correct balance between the calf muscles to stand and hop on tip toe. Since one of the best Sports Physiotherapist in Calicut we will treat such cases post assessment it may be like Eccentric exercises including strengthening of calf muscles and lengthening of myotendinious unit, Proper gait trainig – it including bilateral weight bearing activities like jogging, spot running treadmill walking and balance training
On progression we provide multi task training and agility training activities. And also give advice to the patient that do a warm up exercise routine and stretching the calf muscles before playing sports and gradually increase the distance and running speed by only 10% per week.

Conditions we deal with :

  • Stroke

  • Head injury/traumatic brain injury.

  • Ataxia.

  • Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Parkinsonism.

  • Multiple sclerosis

  • Spinalcord injury.

  • Muscular dystrophy.

  • Radiculopathic pain.

  • Bell’s and facial palsy.

  • Guillian barrie syndrome

  • Neuropathies.

  • Brain tumor

  • Compression neuropathies.